Meet Our Cast

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Meet our eclectic, fun witted, vibrant, knowledgeable and relatable cast members, “The Cubby Cast”. A group of African American men driven by personal achievement and professional desire. The cast members have a depth of knowledge and experience in the fields of finance, sales, marketing, management and law. We understand the importance of advancement and can throw a couple dollars at entertainment when necessary. We welcome you to dig a little deeper into our personal endeavors by visiting our individual pages. Don’t forget to reach out to us personally to talk about our gallon of FACTS. As we always say on our episodes…

Love is Love…Facts! Let’s Talk About it

Thyrone Lewis

Comedy is life and if you don’t believe me, your daddy gave you bad posture and your momma boils her eggs wrong.



Character fuels people’s courage to become leaders!

Jamie Wright

Be humble with your creativity, Be graceful with your success.



Success is the actual progression of a worthy ideal of goal.


Be the love that you wish to receive.