
Jamie Wright

I am Jay aka Jamie aka Jamison aka Mr. Miserable aka @JayDub_Deuces . Jay is a man that wears many hats. As a Bronx native, now living in Southern California I love to take full advantage of the sun, beach and all activities that the Northeast can’t offer. I do not surf but I am all about waves and vibrations so take a listen to my perspective and listen for the statements that may make you shift uncomfortably in your seat but are sure to make you think from a different perspective.


Who Am I?

After having spent my academic career and my formative adult years working in the financial sector, I have come to get in touch with my creative side. The Cubby has been a breath of fresh air and has allowed me the ability to get other people’s take on the things I observe in today’s society. With nearly 2 decades of corporate experience under my belt, there are many situations I have been exposed to which offers me many topics that I want to unpack. Sit back and enjoy some of the creative thoughts and topics Mr. Miserable brings to the table.


Who Would’ve Thought?

Who would’ve thought after I take off my worker boots and my 9-5 hat, I put on my 5-9 Cubby Dad Hat™ and my sneakers and for the hours in between before sleep and on the weekends I am a board member and Treasurer for African American Real Estate Professionals (AAREP). AAREP was developed to support the advancement of those African Americans seeking to obtain career establishment and growth with the Commercial Real Estate industry through education. The Los Angeles chapter is specifically geared toward raising awareness and shining light on the systemic issues, we are faced with and rally to find solutions to overcome the oppression.